Large and Small Hotel Rooms - Word Problem


Sally has booked hotel rooms for her wedding. There are twice as many small rooms as there are large rooms. Small rooms hold 2 people and large rooms hold 5 people. 63 people booked rooms for her wedding and the rooms were booked to capacity. How many of them were small rooms and how many of them were large rooms?


Known: There are twice as many small rooms as large rooms. Let S be small rooms and L be large rooms. So S = 2L.

We also know that 63 people were in the rooms (filled to capacity) and how many are in each type of room (2 for small, 5 for large). So, 5L + 2S = 63.

Now, since we know S = 2L, we can rewrite the problem:

5L + 2(2L) = 63

Now solve:

5L + 4L = 63

9L = 63

L =


L = 7

S = 2L = 2(7) = 14

So, there were 7 large rooms and 14 small rooms booked.

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